Barren Rocks

Gulf of the Farallons, Farallon Islands

Photo gallery and journals of the sailing voyages of Ketch 22 in California waters

The farallones are a wind swept, cold and lonely place.   Just the place to be if you are a bird looking for a deserted place to breed.   And breed they do.   The Farallones are part of the Farallons National Marine Sanctuary which sits just outside the entrance to San Francisco Bay.   The islands themselves are about 26 miles west of the golden gate, and on a clear day can be seen from the mainland.   It's a long day to go out and back, so I generally combine multiple destinations over a three or four day voyage.   Horseshoe Cove is a good overnight anchorage in order to get a good start the next day.   Located in Marin County, just near the base of the northern end of the Golden Gate bridge.   The next day starts with the tide, and leaves you in Drakes Bay for a day or two.   The return trip can be a glorious beam reach all the way to the Farallones where you jibe on to a course that will take you right into the San Francisco Bay, tide permitting as always.

The Farallon Islands.

The Farallon Islands Depart Horseshoe Cove, Drakes Bay on our minds.

The Farallon Islands Bottoms uP!

The Farallon Islands At anchor in Drakes Bay.

The Farallon Islands The northwest bluffs protecting the anchorage.

The Farallon Islands One inconspicous Dude.

The Farallon Islands Drakes Bay fishing pier.

The Farallon Islands A pretty little blue fishing boat.

The Farallon Islands Exiting the anchorage.

The Farallon Islands Rigged for a beam reach.

The Farallon Islands Farallones in sight under the staysail.

The Farallon Islands Rocks in the middle of the Gulf of the Farallons.

The Farallon Islands Not much there.

The Farallon Islands Not much there either.

The Farallon Islands Lighthouse on top.

The Farallon Islands Research station to the left.

The Farallon Islands This place is for the birds.

The Farallon Islands The lightbucket.

The Farallon Islands Almost home.

The Farallon Islands Golden Gate Bridge behind us.

Click on The Jazz Cup to continue with Ketch 22 in California waters.