Tales of the Good Ship Ketch 22
Photo gallery and journals of the sailing voyages of Ketch 22
hese are the voyages of the good ship Ketch22. She's traveled a long way on her own bottom,
and via truck and freighter as well. As time and money permit, new voyages will be added, as
well as some older ones that haven't been documented yet. The voyages will take you across the Pacific
Ocean to Hawaii, along the Pacific Coast of California, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,
Carribean Sea and the South East coast of the US. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
Click On A Voyage Below

Atlantic Coastal Cruising

California Cruising

Mexico and Central America

Pacific Cup 2004
Sailors Myth # 2: Don't bring beer in glass bottles on board. The bottles might
Myth Buster # 2: Hell yes they might break! Life is short and you're
gettin' old . If beer tastes
better in a bottle, don't deprive yourself of the pleasure. Drink it and run the risk the bottle might
break. The odds of breakage are smaller than the risk of an accident on the way to the marina.
The Photographers
Photographer |
Camera |
Cruise |
borrowed Kodak EasyShare
Nikon E2100
Sony MVC-CD350
Kodak EasyShare C613Z
Kenox S360
Canon Powershot SD 870
Sony DSC-W50
Canon Rebel EOS Xsi w/70-300mm
Canon Powershot G3
Olympus S770SW
unknown brand
et al
Mazatlan Mexico to Barillas El Salvador
Pacific Cup
Kaneohe Bay Hawaii to San Francisco
Mazatlan to Zihuatenejo
Sunset over Oakland
San Francisco Bay
Barillas El Salvador to Golfito Costa Rica
Sea Of Cortez et al
North and Central America
Isla Partida
Zihuatenejo Mexico to Barillas El Salvador
Guatemala to Panama
et al